Podcast: Tales of Atlium

The story of a group of friends who are too addicted to D&D to ever consider doing anything else with their lives.

Ashes of Freedom E18: Amongst the Waves

The party prepare to leave their home behind, setting their sights on a new journey.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E18: Amongst the Waves

Ashes of Freedom E17: Feydrun in Brightfall

With the last of the nightmare behind them, the party enjoy a well-earned day of rest on the holiest of holidays.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E17: Feydrun in Brightfall

Ashes of Freedom E16: Atonement

The party set their sights on the rescue of Triandal, and the city of Brightfall starts to heal.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E16: Atonement

Ashes of Freedom E15: Shock and Awe

The last remnants of the Enclave incursion make their last stand against the reorganized forces of Ivandria.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E15: Shock and Awe

Ashes of Freedom E14: Heroes Rise

The group of freedom fighters known as the Ashes of Freedom take the fight to Zabghat and the Enclave occupation.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E14: Heroes Rise

Ashes of Freedom E13: From the Ashes

With proper war looking ever more likely, the party prepare.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E13: From the Ashes

Ashes of Freedom E12: Without Stars in the Sky

The crew begin to organize the remnants of the Cinderguard, along with anyone else willing to help take back the city.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E12: Without Stars in the Sky

Ashes of Freedom E11: Reignited

After a day of preparation, the night brings new and unexpected changes to the group’s situation.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E11: Reignited

Ashes of Freedom E10: Forged Through Fury

The crew comes up with a plan moving forward. Afterwards, they relax and prepare for the big day ahead.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E10: Forged Through Fury

Ashes of Freedom E9: A Shipping Incident

The crew learns the truth of what happened to the cave.

Tales of Atlium
Tales of Atlium
Ashes of Freedom E9: A Shipping Incident